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Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a common mental illness in which people feel burdened by unwanted thoughts or forced to repeat troublesome actions. Unwanted thoughts, called obsessions, often include unreasonable fear of dirt or germs. Another common obsession involves fear of losing control and hurting oneself or others. Many obsessive-compulsive patients also feel a need to perform repeated actions, called compulsions, to prevent harmful events. Many patients wash their hands excessively to avoid infection. Unreasonable repetition of everyday routines--for example, checking that taps or cookers are turned off--is also common. Obsessions and Compulsions tend to go together. In
fact, compulsive actions may be directly related to obsessive thoughts. A
person obsessed with the idea that he is dirty or guilty may wash his hands
compulsively every few minutes or take six or eight showers a day. |